Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What's so 'New' about writing new media

It's an interesting question.  At one point or  another in the past there was always some 'new' media.  Like the new fangled magazine or newspaper that was going to destroy family life because dad wants to check the headlines at breakfast.

Now we have media forms on the internet like:  Myspace (Back in the internet day), Twitter (which I think has put us in ## hell) and Facebook, and blogs of all kinds and all sorts of electronic media.  The only thing that has changed might be the new formatting rules you'll have to learn.

My concern is that sadly after reading Is Google Making Us Stupid - Nicholas Carr - The Atlantic, I have sadly noticed that I can no longer sit and read like I use to.  I find this has a great impact on my school work.  As a cultural studies major we often have to read long boring essays and theories, and I cant sit there and read 25-30 pages in a sitting anymore.  I can't do that if it's the newest release of my favorite authors books.  If it takes more than 30 seconds to load I'm no longer interested. I miss reading a real book, but I can't blame it purely on the internet....being allowed to stream on my television has also helped in this corruption.  Nobody really has the attention span of a gnat nowadays. 

I know this is pretty simple and to the point but that doesn't make it less true does it?

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