Monday, July 14, 2014

Customers Vs. Employees

Recently on Facebook one of my old friends from high school posted about a bad experience she had in a coffee shop.   In the responses she got from her friends were of course supportive of her, which is great.   Then I noticed her friends other comments about the barista.  Those were not great.  They indicated that the barista was an idiot, one said she hoped the barista choked and meant it only as a half joke, indicating that flipping out would have been perfectly okay, dumping  the drink on the barista’s head and choke slamming her.   Not one said that mistakes and misunderstandings happen.  They just  decided to talk shit and thought they were cute.  It’s not cute, it’s not funny.  It is ignorant and immature  and a clear sign that there is a lot wrong people.  What’s worse is that many people do not understand why I feel that way.

Granted my friend gave her side of the story and that is the only side we heard.  While the Barista could have handled it differently, I don’t understand how comments like the previously stated are okay or even constructive.  Especially when they are half meant.

Some might ask why this bothers me so much.  Simple.  I was a barista while I worked at Borders and I still work in retail.   I have had good customers and bad…..really bad customers.   Those that worked with me at 575 know who I am talking about.  A customer  who ended up cornering my supervisor in her car and giving threats about how she was going to punch me in my face the next time she saw me behind the counter, how her sister was not afraid of getting arrested and she was going to come and beat me up.   She had even called to complain about me when I was out of the state.   Once she issued threats we called the police and she cursed the cop out.  

Why did this happen?  Because I wouldn’t give her large drinks with extra shots and only charge her for a medium.  I questioned her hand written coupons that said free drink and nothing else.  

Even where I am now I had a customer say that it was good that I didn’t have a name tag on or else she would call and have me fired…I told her my name.   Why was she mad?  My computer wouldn’t accept an expired coupons and smaller reasons that I had nothing to do with.

Now I am not saying that employees are always angels.  Sometimes they do have bad attitudes or give bad service.  They are people too.  Yet, People always want to blame the employees, even the good ones.  They always want to bitch about retail workers and servers but many of those people fail to realize their own behavior nowadays.   They love to go to the ‘Customer is always right’ phrase that has plagued the business world.  This phrase no longer applies in this day and age.  If you go online today you will find that there are many articles and websites about why the customer is not always right for various reasons.  Such as: Customers lie!  Customers berate and belittle to make themselves feel better, don’t know what they want, what they expect is not reasonable or rational.

My suggestion for having more positive experiences after something has gone wrong is first and foremost:  Stop, take a deep breath and think.  Was it really the employees fault or were you not paying attention?  It might even be a combination of both.   Also, just like customers that remember their bad experiences, employees remember bad customers and how things are handled will be remembered the next time you enter that establishment. 

Remember:   remember that the employees are people as well.  You have bad days, the employees have bad days too.  Also…the employee deals with more customers in a day than customers deal with employees.  What you might think is just a small one time thing you did, could have happened many more times than what you think.

Pay attention:  If the employee is honestly trying to help resolve the matter, don’t ask for something free (it makes you look bad), don’t ask for things that are not rational especially if it is against the store’s policy.   Policy is there for a reason and in many cases employees can be fired for breaking policy even to help an irate customer.

Do not go off!  It makes you look like an idiot!  Even other customers will think you are crazy.

When I go to other retail stores or coffee/tea shops…I try to treat them as I would like to be treated.  There have been times I had gotten the wrong drink or waited a long time.  But I have been behind the counter so I can understand what they might have going on and when I explain it they appreciate my taking the effort.

I have often been told that a little understanding goes a long way.  Now that is always true.  Too bad that is not a phrase people remember.


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